How do you introduce a robot to preschoolers?
How do you introduce a robot to preschoolers?
The continued rise of technology is inevitable. The reality of living in a world that heavily depends on technology should be accepted but most especially understood. Whether you like it or not, you are surrounded by it and your children will grow up in an environment where learning about it could be considered an essential life skill. However, the concept of technology is broad; it is too broad that it even includes ideas that would rather put your child at a disadvantage which is why the guidance of the parents is crucial in introducing them to the right kind of technology.

Robotics is one of the more popular choices by parents when it comes to exposing their children to technology. Introducing children as young as preschoolers to a machine operated by computer programs can be a fun and engaging way to cultivate children’s early programming concept, logical thinking, and metacognitive ability that enable them to learn relevant and competitive skills while developing a problem-solving mindset from an early age. Robots that are programmable have become a popular avenue for kids to learn Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, usually known as STEM education. The primary objective of STEM is for children to be able to develop skills in collaboration, communication, problem-solving, creative thinking, and logical thinking that will give them an advantage regardless of their choice of field. The potential that this discipline can instill in children can be limitless but only when introduced to preschoolers in a manner where interest and enthusiasm in the subject will leave a positive lasting impression.
How do you introduce a robot to preschoolers?
Humans are innately curious beings but curiosity and the thirst to gain more knowledge is at its peak as preschoolers. This may seem like a bit too early to expose 3-5 year olds to robotics but research shows that it is possible because these complex skills and tasks can be broken down, gamified, and made digestible. You may ask them to imagine what a robot could do for them and then provide the means for them to visualize it, there are several ways how:
Read about it through books or any reading materials: Before exposing your child to any type of robots, it would be best to show them pictures of it first in books or any reading materials that could also tell them about what it is and how it works. This will allow you to grasp how they might react seeing the machines and if it does indeed spark interest within them. Introduction in this degree will help you calculate your next steps.
Watch movies and shows about robots: Presenting information in numerous ways can be the key to helping preschoolers understand the topic.The use of movies in introducing robots to preschoolers engages students and boosts their motivation for a certain subject because it creates a more engaging sensory experience than using print materials alone. Additional learning styles can be addressed through the usage of movies.
Visit a robotics museum: It's not always enough to just look and listen. A component of it must be active learning. Museums teach critical thinking, empathy, and other generally important skills and dispositions. Museum visits assist in igniting your child's interest through displays and even on-site activities that can further their understanding of robotics and even technology in a wider sense.
Join online or in person discussions or workshops about robotics for kids: Aside from what can be read in textbooks, watched in movies, or experienced in museums, discussions and workshops can also offer a different way to introduce a robot to preschoolers. It can be an avenue for children to share their favorite things about robots and bond over their learnings with other children their age. It is even especially insightful for parents to discuss other methods on how to further their children’s interest with robotics, exchanging different suggestions which method works best for them that others could also try.
Bond over Robotics activities or projects: In-person learning through hands-on projects is one of the best ways to introduce a robot to preschoolers but there are hundreds of robotics courses, games, and apps to try. It is best to match your child with the perfect activity for their age, interest, and proficiency which is why when looking for toys, it is best to look for three important things:
- Age and category: Toys are manufactured to be age-appropriate in consideration of various factors. One is to ensure the safety of the child, make sure that there are no choking hazards that could endanger what would have been a fun playing time. Another reason is to maintain the child’s interest. Giving them toys that are too advanced or too simple may lead your kid to lose interest so always consider what they are going to learn from it. Your primary objective is to check whether the chosen robot is an add-on to develop your kid’s mental, physical, and emotional health.
- Design and functionality: Learning Robotics does not equate to aesthetics. There are toys that are designed to be visually appealing but cannot provide the safety and functionality that a children’s ideal educational toy requires. Do not give in to it, instead, make sure to properly inspect the design and functionality of the robot toy to ensure that it is safe to work and play with.
- Presence of an interactive application: Programming a robot toy is a major part of learning STEM education. Your preschooler can choose between the Montessori method, which is purely physical, or if they would rather go with a robot toy that requires a dedicated application that needs to be installed on your device. The ideal option is to choose robot toys with an application since it will be simpler for your children to shift from block coding, which is low-level programming, to high-level programming or text-based coding.
Why Botzees Toys is the Best Choice to Introduce a Robot to Preschoolers
Botzees toys provide online robot toys based on the STEM educational approach, making it one of the best providers there is. The company provides toys for various age groups that come in different concepts and are programmed using various sensors such as light, color, motion, and much more. The blocks used in these toys are BPA free and come in rounded edges that makes it unique for children’s smaller hands but at the same time ensures their safety while playing. These are special elements that sets apart the Botzees Coding Train Set from other train sets. The set allows children to make connections and intuitively explore early coding concepts, such as sequencing, looping, and conditional coding.
Botzees toys also spark creativity and imagination in preschoolers through play-based activities that can also be a source of entertainment for both children and parents through Botzees RC - Interactive Race Car. It is a fun upgrade from the usual remote control cars that provide an exciting way to develop your child’s fine motor skills while bonding indoors and outdoors with the rest of the family.
Other numerous options of interactive STEM based toys offered by Botzees toys are also effective in the development of the child’s dexterousness at an earlier age, giving them an opportunity to strengthen hand-eye coordination and honing their thought process and creativity. The Botzees GO! - Dino Set was recognized by TechCrunch as Top STEM Toy Gift for preschoolers. This electronic STEM toy provides your children the resources needed to develop agility, build logic, introduce color and object recognition while developing innovation and imagination. What’s more exciting is it comes with an app that has easy-to-follow instructions that teach kids how to cleverly build the set.

Introduce a Robot with Botzees Toys and Get a Positive Impression that Lasts
Botzees toys are not limited to the Coding Train Set, Interactive Race Car, or the dynamic Dinosaur Set. The company offers toys in various concepts that come in different shapes and sizes that will definitely catch the attention of your preschoolers. The benefits of securing any of the Botzees toys does not stop there however, the design and functionality is not only age-appropriate but also an effective avenue for children to learn STEM education. Learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics through Botzees play will trigger children’s interest in being mentally active while also encouraging collaboration between playmates. Introducing preschoolers to a robot through Botzees toys is encouraging your child to develop the skills of tomorrow while having tons of fun today.